Ingredients Tetley Tea Elaichi Chai 1 Spoon of brown sugar 1/3 of popcorn kernels Cinnamon Coconut oil / Extra virgin olive oil Pour in the oil Before the oil super heats, throw in your popcorn kernels Pour in your your spoon of sugarPour in the contents of 1 Elaichi Chai Sprinkle some cinnamon Mix the contents in the potCover the pot and let it pop!Once the popping slows to several seconds between pops, remove the pan from the heat The above makes for a lovely blend of all the flavors. But, I understand that taste is subjective. So you can always add more sugar, cinnamon or Elaichi tea to suit your taste buds. I’ve also pre mixed as opposed to adding the mix post making the popcorn so it’s infused into every kernel. Enjoy, lovers! Watch HOW: